Thursday, January 7, 2016


What is interesting enough to blog about?

I was finally arranging my lesson plan for dance class that evening. I should focus, not more blogging today. Even though it was two in the afternoon and I still wasn’t dressed, I felt pretty accomplished. One load of laundry, one load of dishes, a shower (what?!), read out-loud to my children, and kicked two of them outside to play on our brand-new-to-us swing-set. I could see them and heard gut-laughs as they sang out, “Hi, Dax!!” to their baby brother (my #3), who was inside with me, smashing his face onto the glass door.
I flew off the couch, moved Dax aside and closed the door securely behind me as I heard, “A BEEEEE!!!” from my oldest. After one leap off the deathly-steep porch, I realized why all country moms need wellies - I was shin high in cold mud.
Abrielle (my #2) sat on the slide at the peak of her scream. There was a bee roaming around her legs. I waved a little and blew some air to encourage it, trying NOT to instigate a sting. 
Something stung my foot. Fire ants were taking over both of my feet, and biting.
[Insert video of myself in a bathrobe, hopping and kicking wildly in the front yard while my children stare, confused.]
Many bites later, the bee had flown away after being coaxed with a leaf. But the front door wouldn’t open. It had locked. The damn door that never ever locked would not budge. Dax peered at me through the glass, cheerfully gnawing on my toast and cheese I had neglected. “Daxie, do NOT eat that!!” I yelled. His baby body couldn’t process dairy or wheat yet (parents, educate yourselves in baby nutrition if you haven’t already!).
With a good yank, it came open, thankfully. No one died, no one was stung by a bee, and my ant bites were no big deal. Leila (my #1) said, “I don’t want to swing anymore.”
There’s a good story. 

Had any moments like this lately?

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